MyCAA Scholarship Programs


Enrollment Deadline: February 28th!

Questions about whether this program is right for you? We’ll help match you with the best program to meet your career goals.

My Career Advancement Account Scholarship Program

The My Career Advancement Account Scholarship is a workforce development program that provides up to $4,000 in financial assistance to eligible military spouses for the pursuit or maintenance, including continuing education courses, of a license, certification or associate degree necessary to gain employment in an occupation or career field.

As part of the Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program, coaches are available to assist military spouses with the following:

Learn About Career Paths

  • Take a career assessment
  • Explore growing industries
  • Schedule a career coaching session

Pursue Your Education

  • Learn about funding options, like the MyCAA Scholarship
  • Search for scholarships
  • Find a school or program

Build Your Resume, Find and Job or Own a Business

  • Learn about resume formats
  • Get your resume reviewed
  • Search 500+ companies and organizations in the Military Spouse Employment Partnership
  • Access a Job Search Navigator
  • Schedule an entrepreneurial coaching session
  • Access Small Business Administration resources
  • Learn about home-based businesses
  • Schedule a career coaching session

Access Your Network

  • Learn about the Spouse Ambassador Network
  • Strengthen your networking skills
  • Access LinkedIn Premium

How to Apply:

Step 1

Apply Today

Complete the CIAT online application to take your first step to gaining entry approval into CIAT’s Degree or Certificate programs

Step 2

Create an Account

Create a free MyCAA Account by visiting the MyCAA website. *Eligible spouses will be allowed to create their Career and Training Plan and request FA when they are within 30 days of course start dates. 

Step 3

Get Approved

Request a MyCAA Education and Training plan (this plan includes your career goal and information about your chosen school, program and coursework). *Your Education and Training plan must be approved before receiving financial assistance. Plans are reviewed and approved in the order in which they are received and can take up to 14 business days.

Step 4


Complete your CIAT financial aid consultation, enrollment paperwork, readiness course, and new student orientation.


The My Career Advancement Account Scholarship program is open to spouses of active-duty service members, National Guard and reserve members under qualifying Title 10 orders in pay grades E-1 through E-5, W-1 through W-2 and O-1 through O-2. The authorization of the fiscal 2020 National Defense Authorization Act allows military spouses to remain eligible for the financial assistance offered through the MyCAA Scholarship if their sponsor is promoted above the eligible ranks as long as the spouse has an approved Education and Training Plan in place.

Who is eligible?

  • Spouses of service members in the National Guard or reserve in the pay grades listed above.
  • Spouses who have completed high school or obtained a GED.
  • Spouses who have financial assistance documents approved before the active-duty service member’s date of separation or the active-duty service member’s release from Title 10 military orders.

Who is ineligible?

  • Spouses married to service members in pay grades E-6 and above, W-3 and above and O-3 and above, unless a spouse has an approved Education and Training Plan in place prior to their sponsor’s promotion above the eligible ranks.
  • Spouses who are a member of the armed forces currently on Title 10 orders.
  • Spouses who are married but legally separated, or under court order or statute of any state or U.S. territory, from a member of the armed forces on Title 10 orders.
  • Spouses whose National Guard or reserve military sponsor is in a warning orders/alert, post deployment/demobilization or transition status.
  • Spouses who are unable to apply for financial assistance while their military sponsor is on Title 10 orders or before the sponsor’s date of separation.


Yes, employed spouses can use the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship funding for coursework and exams that lead to employment and career advancement in one or more career fields and occupations that require a license, certification or associate degree.

Spouses who already have advanced degrees but who want or need to take coursework leading to a recognized credential allowed by the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship may also use the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship funding to continue or advance their career and employment.

To learn more about how MyCAA could help you in your career, call Military OneSource at 800-342-9647.

Spouses of service members who are on qualifying Title 10 military orders are eligible. This includes spouses of deployed National Guard and reserve members who are activated on qualifying Title 10 orders, not pre- or post-deployment. In addition, all spouse participants must have the financial assistance documents approved while their military sponsor is on qualifying Title 10 orders.

The My Career Advancement Account Scholarship uses Department of Defense Self-Service Logon for account creation and access. Social security numbers are not stored in the My Career Advancement Account website. A Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System eligibility check is initiated when the spouse opens a My Career Advancement Account and each time the spouse requests My Career Advancement Account Scholarship financial assistance.

The My Career Advancement Account Scholarship official web address is Military spouses living overseas may experience issues accessing the site. For assistance, spouses may contact Military OneSource through the international dialing instructions located at or through email at

  • The pursuit or maintenance, including continuing education courses, of a license, certification or associate degree. The license, certification or associate degree must align with the spouse’s career goal and be obtained from a participating institution.
  • The costs of national tests that may earn a participating military spouse course credits required for a degree approved under the program, including the College Level Examination Program tests.
  • Coursework in pursuit of a bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degree.
  • Certificates of completion that do not lead to a certification or license.
  • Associates of science, arts, general studies, liberal arts, health sciences, social sciences and interdisciplinary associate degrees with no concentration.
  • Personal enrichment courses, excluding courses that are for academic credit or graded electives in an approved My Career Advancement Account Spouse Education and Training Plan.
  • Courses already started or completed by the spouse.
  • Course extensions.
  • Courses, tests or fees typically paid by an employer as part of a job training program.
  • Nonacademic credit or ungraded courses, including courses taken on an audit basis or as an internship, practicum, apprenticeship or clinical supervision; also, nonacademic credit or ungraded orientation programs.
  • Courses taken more than one time, unless My Career Advancement Account Scholarship has received a full refund from the school.
  • Tuition for courses and examinations not included in the spouse’s Education and Training Plan.
  • Study abroad programs, excluding programs of study offered by participating My Career Advancement Account Scholarship schools on overseas military installations.
  • Private licenses. Example: a private pilot’s license would not be covered because it is for recreational use, but a commercial pilot’s license would be covered because it would be used for an occupation.
  • High school or GED completion programs, including online high school completion programs.
  • Courses or programs at unapproved schools or campuses, or other locations not found in the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship Portal.
  • English as a second language course to learn English.
  • Internships not part of an Education and Training Plan and not resulting in a credential required for employment.
  • Books, supplies, equipment, uniforms, computers and electronic devices of any kind.
  • Fees of any kind, including, but not limited to, registration fees, technology fees or parking fees.
  • Student activities, events and entertainment.
  • Reimbursements of any kind.
  • Prepayments or deposits for future courses, unless costs are part of a block of study.
  • School or college level entrance examinations, comprehensive exams and related preparatory courses.
  • Transportation, lodging, child care and medical services.

Yes, the duration of an associate degree course cannot exceed 12 months and a license or certificate program cannot exceed 18 months. No exceptions can be made to exceed either of these time frames. Schools and organizations receiving scholarship funds are required to post grades and program completion status.

  • Inform SECO career coaches when they receive their license, certificate, certification, credential or associate degree.
  • Seek a job in their chosen career field and occupation.
  • Let My Career Advancement Account Scholarship and SECO know when they find employment using the My Career Advancement Account Spouse Portal — as required in the Spouse Terms and Conditions Agreement that spouses electronically sign when they open their My Career Advancement Account.

Some students who have exhausted their MyCAA scholarship funds may be eligible to receive financial support through secondary educational financing options, including CIAT ScholarshipsFederal Pell Grant, or Federal Student Loans.

Two sources of federal education benefits can be used to pay for the same course or program. The My Career Advancement Account Scholarship funds must be applied to the tuition costs only and spouses may NOT receive a refund of My Career Advancement Account Scholarship monies.

Spouses will have to demonstrate successful completion of their courses to continue using the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship funding. If a spouse receives a failing grade or withdraws from a class for which the government is charged any money, their ability to apply for additional funds will be stopped. The spouse will need to contact a SECO career coach for education coaching regarding how the spouse can prevent recurrences, complete incomplete courses and continue successfully pursuing their career.

Spouses who have failed, withdrawn, or received an incomplete for a course for the first time may request grade waivers. In such cases, spouses must contact a SECO career coach to discuss the situation and develop a plan to prevent recurrences.

Each CIAT student has up to 150% of the program length to complete their required coursework prior to being administratively withdrawn. If financial clearance is not awarded prior to a class period starting, a student may be put on a temporary leave of absence to ensure all education funding sources are arranged. 

Call Military OneSource at 800-342-9647 and speak to a SECO career coach to get started!

Yes, for the following reasons:

  • If a spouse fails to adhere to the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship terms and conditions, including if a spouse knowingly allows another person to create or manage his or her account.
  • If a spouse impersonates or misrepresents another person or provides fraudulent information to the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship system, which may cause serious legal and financial consequences.
  • If a spouse fails or withdraws from a second course, which may result in permanently locking the account and discontinuing further financial assistance to the spouse.
  • If a spouse creates more than one account.

NOTE: Spouses are ultimately responsible for ensuring that schools post their grades and submit invoices in a timely fashion.

If the spouse fails or withdraws from a course — spouses must contact a SECO career coach to discuss the course failure or withdrawal and to develop a plan for future success. The spouse’s account will be suspended until this requirement is met. If there are additional course failures or withdrawals, the spouse’s account may be permanently locked.

Hardship waivers are available to spouses in extreme situations. A SECO career coach can provide additional information and assistance for hardship waivers.

An Education and Training Plan must be completed by the school or institution. An ETP will provide a detailed summary of the courses a spouse must take to complete the program/degree. Spouses will load the document into their My Career Advancement Account for review. The SECO staff will review the plan to ensure it is completed correctly and supports the spouse’s career goals. The review process can take up to 14 business days. Spouses will NOT be able to apply for My Career Advancement Account financial assistance until the ETP has been approved. 

Once approved, the ETP is locked and can only be edited by a SECO staff member. Spouses can only change their stated career goal once.

Coursework changes will require assistance from a SECO career coach if needed after the ETP is approved.

Spouses can only have a maximum of five Education and Training Plans over the three-year funding lifetime of their My Career Advancement Account Scholarship.

If incorrect information is provided, the spouse must call a SECO career coach at 800-342-9647 to see if an edit can be made to the document. Edited financial assistance documents must be resigned electronically by the spouse.

Spouses can get assistance by contacting Military OneSource at 800-342-9647 and speaking with a SECO career coach.

The SECO career coach can help spouses —

  • Explore career interests, evaluate school options and compare programs of study, including costs.
  • Review and approve spouse education and training plans.
  • Make allowable changes to career goals and coursework.

Prior to approval, only spouses may make changes to their My Career Advancement Account Scholarship Education and Training Plan. However, once a plan has been approved, a spouse must contact a SECO career coach for changes to be made. Contact Military OneSource at 800-342-9647 or send a message using the My Career Advancement Account message box to request assistance.

Spouses can only change their Education and Training Plan four times over the three-year funding lifetime of their My Career Advancement Account Scholarship, for a maximum of five plans.

No, if a spouse needs to repeat a course, the spouse must do so at his or her own expense, unless the My Career Advancement Account receives a full refund from the school. The My Career Advancement Account Scholarship also does not pay for a course that is being audited or for ungraded or non-academic courses.

No, the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship only pays for tuition costs for courses and programs of study, including continuing education courses that lead to an associate degree, license or certification. It also pays for the cost of the license or certification test or examination.

The associate degree must have a clear major or concentration supporting the career field noted on the ETP. The concentration or major for the associate degree cannot be in general studies or liberal arts, unless there is a specific concentration, such as general studies-teaching.

After spouses have created an Education and Training Plan and received My Career Advancement Account Scholarship approval, they can request financial assistance on a course by-course basis no earlier than 60 days before and one day prior to the start of the course. Courses that have different start and end dates must be on separate financial assistance requests.

The funds for the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship program are based on the government fiscal year, which runs from October 1 to September 30. Therefore, it is important for spouses to plan how they will pay for their schooling throughout the year. Some important information about the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship program’s fiscal year is listed below.

There is a $2,000 fiscal year spending cap (a maximum of $2,000 can be used per fiscal year).

The $2,000 fiscal year cap is based on the start date of the course or program, not the date the financial assistance request is submitted or approved.

Spouses should pay close attention to the fiscal year dates, so they can plan accordingly for the next fiscal year.

If all of a spouse’s My Career Advancement Account Scholarship funds are not used within three years from the start date of the first course on their first financial assistance request, those funds will be forfeited.

The examples below show how the fiscal year cap can impact spouses’ My Career Advancement Account Scholarship funding. Examples are based on a new My Career Advancement Account Scholarship with $4,000.

Example 1: If only $1,000 is used in the first fiscal year of the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship, then $2,000 can be used in the second fiscal year, and $1,000 can be used in the third fiscal year, not to exceed $4,000.

Example 2: If only $300 is requested at the end of the first fiscal year, another $2,000 of My Career Advancement Account Scholarship funding can be used in the second fiscal year. The remaining $1,700 cannot be used until the third fiscal year.

Example 3: If only $500 is used in the first fiscal year of the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship and $500 is used in the second fiscal year, only $2,000 would be available to use in the third fiscal year. If $2,000 is used in the third fiscal year, the remaining $1,000 left in the account would be forfeited since it was not used during the first and second fiscal years.

If additional educational funding is needed, spouses should search for financial assistance resources on the MySECO site or contact Military OneSource at 800-342-9647 for information on other financial assistance programs.

Yes, there is a waiver process built into the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship program for assistance in requesting a waiver from policy requirements.

The three-year time limit to use the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship funding begins on the start date of the first course taken.


Reach out today and one of our knowledgeable Admissions Advisors will be happy to answer any questions you have about CIAT.


CIAT has been awarded top ranking status in’s Best Cybersecurity Program review, highlighted as “Best For Industry Certifications”. Evaluated based on curriculum quality, graduation rate, reputation, and post-graduate employment.


EC Council, the world's largest cybersecurity technical certification organization, awarded CIAT the Circle of Excellence Award two years in a row for our Certified Ethical Hacker certification training courses and career-ready curriculum.


We believe you deserve an education worthy of your service. CIAT welcomes military veterans, active duty service members, and spouses using the Post 9/11 GI Bill®, Veteran Readiness & Employment (VR&E), Active Duty Tuition Assistance, and MyCAA.


We have high standards and we believe you should too. CIAT has proudly earned accreditation from the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency.


CIAT has been awarded top ranking status in’s Best Cybersecurity Program review, highlighted as “Best For Industry Certifications”. Evaluated based on curriculum quality, graduation rate, reputation, and post-graduate employment.


EC Council, the world's largest cybersecurity technical certification organization, awarded CIAT the Circle of Excellence Award two years in a row for our Certified Ethical Hacker certification training courses and career-ready curriculum.


We believe you deserve an education worthy of your service. CIAT welcomes military veterans, active duty service members, and spouses using the Post 9/11 GI Bill®, Veteran Readiness & Employment (VR&E), Active Duty Tuition Assistance, and MyCAA.


We have high standards and we believe you should too. CIAT has proudly earned accreditation from the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency.


Enrollment Deadline: February 28th!

Questions about whether this program is right for you? We’ll help match you with the best program to meet your career goals.



Talk to an Advisor

Request an appointment with one of our IT expert Admissions Advisors for personalized guidance on building your education plan. You’ll be able to book an appointment instantly for a time that fits your schedule. 

Next Enrollment Deadline is February 28th, 2022!

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