Course Catalog


Enrollment Deadline: February 28th!

Questions about whether this program is right for you? We’ll help match you with the best program to meet your career goals.

100% of our courses are available in person and online for the most convenient and flexible learning experiences possible.

Page 45 Added: 

  • *Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Computer and Information Systems Managers, enrollment. 

Page 49 Added: 

  • *Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Network and Computer Systems Administrators,

Page 51 Added: 

  • *Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Software Developers, Quality Assurance Analysts, and Testers,

Page 54 Added: 

  • *Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook,

Page 55 Added: 

  • *Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Information Security Analysts,

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  • *Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Computer Support Specialists,

Page 58 Added: 

  • *Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Information Security Analysts,

Page 59 Added: 

  • *Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Computer Support Specialists,

Page 60 Added: 

  • *Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook,

Page 61 Added: 

  • *Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Secretaries and Administrative Assistants,

Page 71 Updated: 

  • This course introduces students to basic concepts in programming and common baseline computer science topics. The focus of the course will be primarily in Python using the IDLE development environment. Students establish a foundational knowledge base and aptitude required for pursuing more advanced computer science studies. Python language concepts like data types, variables, program control, functions, dictionaries, and modules will be presented. Additional topics introduced include text editors, IDEs, compilers, program development workflows and nested loops. Upon completion of the course students will be able to understand how to create, modify, and maintain basic Python programs to provide software-based solutions.

Page 11 Added: 

  • It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that CIAT receives an official transcript from all attended colleges within the first 90 days of enrollment. Any pending transfer credits provided during the enrollment consultation shall be deemed null and void if no official transcripts have been received.

Page 14 Added: 

  • Equipment Fees: Accessing physical computer parts and delivery for hands-on “Build your own computer” lab project is a required component of your CIS 101A/B courses. The equipment fee will be applied to the student’s account as a one-time fixed cost at the beginning of the program. Tuition and fees will be prorated when determining a refund and follow the Cancellation and Refund policy on pg. 21. 

Page 15 Added: 

  • Equipment fees under fee chart. 

Page 16 Updates: 

  • “Women working in science, tech, engineering, and math (STEM) careers currently represent a mere 20% of the job force. This gender gap has been a longstanding issue within the tech community. As a result, CIAT is offering scholarships specifically targeted at self-identified women to help bridge this divide. Women in Technology Scholarships of up to $2,500 per person are available. Let’s shatter the glass ceiling together!” to “Women working in science, tech, engineering, and math (STEM) careers currently represent a mere 20% of the job force. This gender gap has been a longstanding issue within the tech community. As a result, CIAT’s Women in Technology Scholarship is designed to support students who self-identify as female to help bridge this divide. Women in Technology Scholarships of up to $2,500 per student are available. Let’s shatter the glass ceiling together! “

Page 23 Added: 

  • The technology and equipment fees will be applied to your account as a one-time fixed cost at the beginning of the program. From the withdrawal date of determination, all equipment needs to be returned to CIAT within 30 calendar days for a prorated refund. If the complete equipment is not returned, the equipment fees will be charged in full, and no refund is due. All tuition and fees will be prorated when determining a refund and follow the Cancellation and Refund policy.

Page 29 Added: 

  • Students forfeit the right to any future complimentary certification exam vouchers for violating the rules for at-home testing and/or missing their scheduled exam for any reason. If you need to cancel or reschedule your exam, you must do so 24 Hours before your scheduled exam time.

Page 63 Updated: 

  •  From “CIS 130 Certification: The objectives for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals are covered and will prepare a student to take the230A exam. ” to ” The objectives for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals are covered and will prepare a student to take this exam.”

Page 64 updated: 

  • From ” CIS 154 Certification: This course prepares the student to successfully attain MTA 98-349: Windows Operating System Fundamentals. Taking this exam is optional and may involve extra cost to the student. Successful completion of the course does not require the student to attempt and/or pass this certification exam.” to “The course prepares the student for the following certification: Microsoft 365 Certified Fundamentals, Exam MS-900. “
  • Changed Title: ASD101: from The Fundamentals of Software Design to Python Fundamentals
  • Changed Title: ASD210: From Python Fundamentals and Best Practices to Intermediate Python



  • Changed course name from Front-End Development with HTML, CSS and Javascript to Front-End Development with HTML, and CSS
  • ASD 170 Course Description Update: This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of two of the most widely adopted technologies in the world today: HTML and CSS. Topics explored include HTML structure, syntax, and usage, CSS styling and layout, and website design. Upon completion of the course students will be able to understand how modern websites are built, as well as be able to write their own, and add functionality as found throughout the Internet.
  • CIS 130 Course Description update: This course is designed to give a student an overview of the Windows Server Operating System, its virtualization, and use in on premises, as well as, in the cloud. It will also prepare the student for the Azure Cloud by introducing the fundamentals of the Azure cloud products and their use in modern enterprise networks and data systems.
  • Certifications: The objectives for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals are covered and will prepare a student to take the exam.
  • Removed Test out Linux Pro: 230A/B course description 

Page 64 Updated: 

  • 230A and B prepare student to attain CompTIA Linux+ certification.

Page 71 Updated: 

  • ASD 102 Description: This course introduces students to intermediate concepts in programming and computer science topics. The focus of the course will be primarily C++ programming. Students build on previously solidified knowledge and gain leverage for better understanding of advanced computer science studies. C++ language concepts like classes, objects, constructors, inheritance, polymorphism, and the C++ standard library will be presented. Additional topics introduced include versioning, source control, data structures, and memory management. Upon completion of the course students will be able to understand how to create, modify, and maintain C++ programs to provide in-depth software-based solutions.
  • Changed: 133 AWS Certified Solutions Architect to 133 AWS Solutions Architect

Page 7  Updated:

  • Statement added about Professional Dev Course

Page 64  Updated:

  • Course CIS 154 – Windows and Microsoft 365

Page 32  Added:

  • Loaner Laptop: Every student is required to have a personal computer to successfully complete their coursework. To support your career-readiness, the hardware and software requirements are designed to mimic equipment that you are likely to use in the workforce. Successful completion of coursework, virtual labs, certification exams, and coding assignments require a personal computer that meets the minimum hardware and software requirements outlined.
  • The CIAT loaner laptop rental program helps you get started with your degree or certificate program, removing barriers to your success. If you are undergoing a significant financial hardship, students may apply for the financial hardship waiver. CIAT has limited number of loaner laptops available per term. 
  • If you do not have access to a personal computer of your own, you have three options to pursue prior to the start of your program: 
    1. Purchase a personal computer (many retailers will provide student discounts with proof of enrollment).
    2. Enroll in CIAT Loaner Laptop Rental program for a $50 per month. 
    3. Apply for a Financial Hardship Waiver to receive financial assistance with a loaner laptop. 
  • To apply, please visit,

Page 58: 

  • Updated CCA 
  • Updated ASD

Page 71: 

  • Updated ASD 103: This course introduces students to relational databases and Structured Query Language (SQL). Students will acquire foundational understanding of databases, how they are structured, and how transactions are performed on database. SQL language concepts concerning creating, reading, updating, and deleting data will be presented. Additional topics introduced include data types, tables, keys, relationships, functions, indexes, views, stored procedures, and optimization and replication. Upon completion of the course students will be able to understand how to create, modify, and maintain SQL databases to provide in-depth software-based solutions.

Page 16:

  • Removed from Textbook Scholarship: CIAT will cover the textbook cost for your second course in the program for those completing the CIAT Readiness Course by the required deadline, prior to the start of the program. For more information, please email 
  • Page 39 Revised- Consequences for Violations: “Whenever it has been determined that good cause exists for student discipline, CIAT shall notify the student in writing and start the investigation within 14 days.  The student must attend a disciplinary hearing to ensure due process rights.  This hearing shall be conducted by the Campus Security Officer who shall have the right to dismiss the charge(s) of misconduct or recommend appropriate disciplinary action. The President shall review the recommended disciplinary action and then either affirm, modify or dismiss the disciplinary action within 30 days form the date of hearing.
  • Page 15 Revised- Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Tuition Assistance “CIAT offers tuition assistance through partnering up with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The WIOA program provides federal aid to qualifying students enrolled in a qualifying Career-Technical or Workforce Program at CIAT. Qualifying students will need to apply for Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) first and utilize all grants as available along with the WIOA grants. Students who are not qualified to receive Pell Grants will be only responsible for the program cost listed on the Individual Training Account (ITA) approved by WIOA. This WIOA Title I-funded program is an equal opportunity program and auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Qualifying students may be approved to receive up to $7,000 in an ITA towards total program tuition, required books and fees. Listed below are WIOA participating programs”
  • Page 16 changed CIAT will cover the textbook cost for your second course in the program for those completing the CIAT Readiness Course by the required deadline, prior to the start of the program. For more information, please
  • Page 35 Removed VA students who are in Certificate programs must be present in the classroom for 9-18 hours per week depending on the program approval.

Page 9 Added: 

  •  We strongly believe that everyone with the right motivation and commitment to building a career deserves a shot at success. However, immediate acceptance is not always guaranteed. Acceptance may be immediate, conditional, or deferred based on previous academic history.
  • Added Effective March 2021: There are 3 main classifications of acceptance into CIAT degree and certificate programs – immediate acceptance, conditional acceptance, and deferred acceptance. 
  •  Immediate Acceptance: A prospective student must comply with one of the following evaluation criteria to qualify for immediate acceptance. If student qualifies for immediate acceptance, student is highly encouraged to complete the CIAT Readiness Course (CRC), but is mandated prior to enrolling. 
  •  Actively working in an IT position
  • Worked in an IT position within the last 5 years for a minimum of 12 months
  •  Added Successful completion of coding classes or bootcamps (1 semester minimum / 4.5 equivalent CEU)Added Proof of technical position in military (documented on JST)
  •  Earned one or more IT industry certifications
  •  Previous Certificate or Degree earned (any field)
  • 6+ completed college credits with a CPA > 3.0
  • High school GPA > 3.0
  • Conditional Acceptance: A prospective student must comply with one of the following evaluation criteria to qualify for conditional acceptance. If student qualifies for conditional acceptance, student is required to complete the CIAT Readiness Course (CRC), prior to signing enrollment agreement. If student does not successfully complete CRC, student’s start date will be delayed, and student can continue attempts at readiness course until completion.
  • High school diploma provided, but transcripts are unavailable for evaluation
  • GED completion
  • Previous military personnel with non-technical experience (documented on JST)
  • High school GPA between 2.0 – 2.99
  • 6+ completed college credits with a GPA between 2.0 – 2.99
  • Deferred Acceptance: If student does not meet the eligibility criteria for immediate or conditional acceptance, student may be offered a deferred acceptance with recommended pathway options, such as: Elevate their GPA at a community college prior to re-applying , Take first industry certification exam on their own, Return to previous college to repeat classes for an improved grade
  • Page 37 (Maximum Time Frame) – All program requirements must be completed within a maximum time frame of 1.5 times the normal program length, as measured in calendar time. The Bachelor’s Degree program, 175 academic weeks (3.5 calendar years) in length, must be completed within 262 academic weeks (5.2 calendar years) of the student First Term Date. The Associate Degree programs, 85 academic weeks (1.6 calendar years) in length, must be completed within 127 academic weeks (2.5 calendar years) of the students First Term Date. The Certificate programs, 40 academic weeks (8 months) in length, must be completed within 60 academic weeks (1.2 calendar years) of the students First Term Date. This maximum time permitted includes any time spent on an authorized Leave of Absence but does not include scheduled school break periods. >> REVISED- All program requirements must be completed within a maximum time frame of 1.5 times the normal program length, as measured in calendar time. The Degree program, two years (24 months) in length, must be completed within three calendar years (36 months) of the students First Term Date. The Certificate programs, 40 weeks (80 weeks part-time) in length, must be completed within 60 weeks (120 weeks part-time) of the students First Term Date. This maximum time permitted includes any time spent on an authorized Leave of Absence but does not include scheduled school break periods.
  • Page 34 – Make‐Up Work – Make‐up hour needs to be comparable to the content, time, and delivery of the classses missed. However, hours of makeup owk rcannot be accepted as hours of class attendance. It requires an interaction from the instructor. >> Make-Up Work – Make-up work may be required for an absence. However, hours of makeup work cannot be accepted as hours of class attendance.
  • Page 27 – An average class size for any class or lab at CIAT is 15 students, and maximum 30 students in class. >> An average class size for any class or lab at CIAT is 15 students.
  • P. 15 – Added course cost waiver description
  • Pg. 28 – Removed: “over 9000 online books” Added: “Each student is provided a laptop computer for classroom use and access to lab equipment. There is a media center with access to the Internet, a printer, over 9000 online books, hardcopy reference books, office supplies and a telephone/fax. The campus has plenty of parking and is located close to public transportation.”
  • Pg. 29 – Revised: “Min. System requirement – 6 gb and 80 gb of useable space”
  • Pg. 35 – Removed under attendance: “Two absences per class are permissible and this includes both excused and unexcused.”
  • Pg. 36 – Removed: ” Finger Scanner – Students must scan-in upon arrival and scan out upon departure to receive full credit for attendance. Students leaving for breaks of more than 15 minutes must scan out when leaving and scan in again when returning from their breaks. Students do not need to record bathroom breaks or scheduled breaks while attending lectures and labs. Failure to follow these procedures is considered to be “falsifying records” and will subject the student to discipline and possible repayment of BAH to the VA.” 
  • Pg. 35 – Revised: ” Absence – Students are highly encouraged to not miss more than 2 sessions a term. Students will receive Academic Probation if the overall attendance percentage is below 80% upon reviewing SAP.”
  • Pg. 36 – LOA revised: “Students who would like to request a LOA must submit a LOA request form two weeks prior to start of following term. Students requesting a LOA after the deadline may be charged with an administrative fee in the amount of $50.00 to the student account.”
  • Pg. 62 – Removed: “Bootcamps” 
  • Pg. 6 – “California Institute of Arts & Technology prepares students for professional and individual success through innovative high-quality vocational and career advancement programs which provide the competencies and credentials for a rewarding career.” >> “California Institute of Arts & Technology is committed to personalized service through comprehensive, innovative, and high-quality vocational programs that prepare students for a rewarding profession in growing career fields.”
  • Pg. 7 – Under Program/ Course Schedules. Removed verbiage about 4 week schedule. Added: “CIAT’s 5-week terms are designed to accommodate students who have full time jobs and family commitments by balancing the resident and IDL requirements to better suit your scheduling and learning needs.”, “For example, 101A course is 75 clock hours in total. Students in 5-week term will complete 15 hours per week x 5 weeks = 75 clock hours.”, “Schedules for courses offered during 2021 can be obtained from an Admissions Advisor by calling 877-559-3621 or emailing”
  • Pg. 7 – Under Hours of Operation and Availability: Removed online instructor hours.  Added: “Administration Hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific Time Monday thru Friday. Limited availability on Saturdays from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM Pacific Time. Closed Sundays and Major Holidays.”, “On Campus quiet study area and student lounge are available daily, Monday through Friday as well as on Saturdays on the schedule shown below. All times are Pacific Time.”
  • Pg. 10 – Admissions Requirements: “All applicants must be at least 17 years of age. A student accepted for enrollment in either the Degree or one of the Certificate programs must be in possession of a high school diploma or equivalent. At this time CIAT is only accepting students who have successfully completed a minimum associate degree into the Applied Bachelor’s Degree program. CIAT does not accept ability-to-benefit students. Individual pre-requisites, if any, for individual courses are identified in the course descriptions section of this catalog. CIAT must determine with reasonable certainty, prior to the acceptance of the enrollment, that the applicant has the appropriate prior education required to succeed in the program. Students enrolling in Professional Development Boot Camps/Seminars do not need to present proof of a high school diploma or equivalent.” >> “All applicants must be at least 17 years of age. A student accepted for enrollment in either the Degree or one of the Certificate programs must be in possession of a high school diploma or equivalent. CIAT does not accept ability-to-benefit students. Individual pre-requisites, if any, for individual courses are identified in the course descriptions section of this catalog. CIAT must determine with reasonable certainty, prior to the acceptance of the enrollment, that the applicant has the appropriate prior education required to succeed in the program.”
  • “The High School Diploma equivalency may be satisfied by either General Educational Development (GED) tests or a United States military Form DD-214 indicating that applicant has completed high school. All applicants must be able to read and speak English effectively and be able to use a computer keyboard and mouse to navigate in the Windows environment.” >> “The High School Diploma equivalency may be satisfied by either General Educational Development (GED) tests or a United States military Form DD214 indicating that applicant has completed high school. All applicants must be able to read and speak English effectively and also be able to use a computer keyboard and mouse to navigate in the Windows environment. CIAT will accept as a recognized equivalent of secondary education a GED, passing score on the California High School Proficiency Exam, a DD214 that indicates high school equivalency, a degree issued to the student that indicates the high school graduation, or documentation of completion of an Associate’s degree, Bachelor’s Degree, or Master’s Degree. CIAT bans high-pressure recruitment tactics for the purpose of securing enrollments.”
  • “CIAT will accept as a recognized equivalent of secondary education a GED, passing score on the California High School Proficiency Exam, a DD214 that indicates high school equivalency, a degree issued to the student that indicates the high school graduation, or documentation of completion of a bachelor’s degree. CIAT bans high-pressure recruitment tactics for the purpose of securing enrollments.”

Pg. 12 – How to Apply for Admission:

1.                 Complete the CIAT Application for Admission.
2.                 Review the contents of this catalog.
3.                 Attend a 30-minute formal interview with the CIAT representative via phone or in person.
4.                 Submit a copy of high school diploma or equivalent documentation with your application.
5.                 If you are a veteran, provide a printout your Joint Service Transcript, or equivalent for evaluation with your application.
6.                 Meet with Finance to review funding options.
7.                 Submit government-issued proof of identity with a signature, photo and date of birth (copy of government-issued ID, driver’s license, or passport with picture).
8.                 Complete a Scholastic Level Exam (SLE) and pass if you have earned less than six college-level semester credit hours.
9.                 Submit a fully executed enrollment agreement.
10.              Request an official copy of all transcripts for all college level education completed. Submit a list of all colleges attended with your application. If you are accepted, Official Transcripts will be required within 90 days of admission to CIAT.
a.       The course must have been completed within the three-year period prior to the student’s Program start date and:
b.      The student must have achieved a current Industry Certification as a result of the course and:


1. Complete the CIAT Application for Admission.
2. Complete a formal interview with an Admissions Advisor via phone, video call, or in person.
3. Submit proof of high school completion or equivalent.
4. Complete a financial aid consultation to review all your options for managing your educational investment.
5. Submit government issued proof of identity with signature, photo and date of birth (government ID, driver’s license, or passport with picture).
6. Submit unofficial transcripts for all college level education courses completed or pass a Scholastic Level Exam at the minimum required score or higher (required if you have earned less than six college-level semester credit hours from another accredited institution).
7. Sign and submit CIAT Enrollment Agreement.
8. Official transcripts will required within 90 days of admission to CIAT in order to apply transfer credits towards approved program.
6. Submit unofficial transcripts for all college level education courses completed or pass a Scholastic Level Exam at the minimum required score or higher (required if you have earned less than six college-level semester credit hours from another accredited institution).
7. Sign and submit CIAT Enrollment Agreement.
8. Official transcripts will required within 90 days of admission to CIAT in order to apply transfer credits towards approved program.
a.       The course must be substantially the same and completed within the three-year period prior to the student’s Program start date or:
b.      The student must have achieved a current Industry Certification as a result of the course and:
  • Pg. 10 – “A Scholastic Level Exam (SLE) is required for all students enrolling in our Degree and Certificate Programs, when they have less than 6 college-level semester credit hours, to ensure that each and every student at CIAT can successfully meet the challenges ” >> “A Scholastic Level Exam (SLE) is required for all students enrolling in our Degree and Certificate Programs, when they have less than 6 college-level semester credit hours or two AP exam scores with 3 or above, to ensure that each and every student at CIAT can successfully meet the challenges.”
  • Pg. 13 – Added under challenge exam: “The number of challenge exam will follow the number of industry certification exam required to be certified. For example, for CompTIA A+, there are two parts to the exam (220-1101 and 220-102), therefore you will need to take two challenge exams.”
  • Pg. 16 – Added: “Textbook Scholarship: CIAT will cover your first textbook in the program for those completing zero module prior to the start of the program. For more information, please email”
  • Pg. 15 – Books, Virtual Labs and Other Materials: “Textbooks are not included as a part of tuition and the student is responsible for purchasing the books. The cost of books varies with each course. Book costs range from $50.00 to $200.00 per course. Students will receive a textbook list and curriculum which provides all information required to obtain needed learning resources. Some books are only available through an official source such as Microsoft and EC-Council, and Oracle and can be purchased from CIAT. Those that are commercially available can be purchased by the student in lieu of buying them from CIAT. Book costs constantly change, so, any costs for books mentioned in this catalog are based on the best estimate of actual cost at the time this catalog was created. Your admissions representative will be able to provide you with the latest costs for books.” >> “Textbooks are not included as a part of tuition and the student is responsible for purchasing the books. The cost of books varies with each course. Book costs approximately from $20.00 to $200.00 per course. Students will receive a textbook list and curriculum which provides all information required to obtain needed learning resources. Some books are only available through an official source such as Microsoft and EC-Council. Those that are commercially available can be purchased by the student in lieu of buying them from CIAT. Book costs constantly change, so, any costs for books mentioned in this catalog are based on the best estimate of actual cost at the time this catalog was created. Please check our website for the latest costs for books.”
  • Pg. 14 – “Readmissions Process – academic standing with GPA 3.5 or higher and no SAP violation.” >> “Readmissions Process – academic standing with GPA 3.0 or higher and no SAP violation.”
  • Pg. 16 – “Discounts and Scholarships -For the rest of the programs” >> “Discounts and Scholarships -For the Associate degrees and Certificate prorgams,”
  • Pg. 17 – Added: “New Bachelor’s Degree Scholarship: CIAT got you covered! The scholarship offers up to $15,000.00 based on the financial need in the last two years in the Bachelor’s degree program. The CIAT’s new bachelor’s degree scholarship is considered a “last money” scholarships and is designed to supplement military educational benefits or loans when those funding benefits are exhausted during the current CIAT degree program. This scholarship is not intended to replace federal and state financial aid, employer tuition assistance, or student income. This scholarship will only be used to help fund up to the last few courses in a student’s academic degree program, helping bridge the gap to degree completion. Concurrent receipt of this scholarship and Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 33, Chapter 35 or Active Duty Tuition Assistance is not allowed. This scholarship will be applied evenly in the last two semesters in the program. Applicants must submit a 500-word essay covering the following to :  
  • Why did you select Technology as your career?
  • How is CIAT going to help you achieve your personal and career goals?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Applicants must also meet the eligibility criteria listed below. They must:
  • Show proof of exhausted benefits/loans.
  • Show proof of funding gap during the financial consultation.
  • Pg. 25 – “Priority is given to Federal Pell Grant recipients with zero (0) Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and on a first come first serve basis.” >> “Priority is given to Federal Pell Grant recipients with zero (0) – 200 Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and on a first come first serve basis.”
  • Pg. 14 – Removed: “Enrollment Application Fee”, “The $55.00 enrollment application fee is nonrefundable and must be submitted each time you apply for admission.”, “CIAT provides a waiver of the application fee with confirmed financial hardship. Receiving a fee waiver will have no bearing whatsoever on the review of your application for admission, and the information you provide will not be released to anyone for any purpose.”
  • Pg. 18 – Added under Financial Assistance: “Certificate in Software Development”
  • Pg. 18 – Added under Financial Assistance: “Certificate as Networking Technician”
  • Pg. 10 – Added: “At this time CIAT is only accepting students who have successfully completed a minimum associate degree into the Applied Bachelor’s Degree program.”
  • Pg. 8 – Added: “Please note that CIAT is participating in ACCET’s pilot to approve applied bachelor’s degree programs in advance of ACCET’s application for an expansion of scope.”
  • Added: “Applied Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Information Systems”
  • Pg. 13 – “CIAT charges a nominal fee of $250.00 per challenge exam, which is not refundable.” >> “CIAT charges a nominal fee of $150.00 per challenge exam, which is not refundable.”
  • Pg. 14 – “Students enrolled in the AASCIS-NC degree program are required to select a specialization track upon enrollment.” >> “Students enrolled in the BACIS and AASCIS-NC degree programs are required to select a specialization track upon enrollment.”
  • Pg. 14 – Removed: “The $55.00 enrollment application fee is nonrefundable and must be submitted each time you apply for admission.”
  • Pg. 15 – Removed: “Technology fees”
  • Pg. 36 – “A grade of “I” may only be issued when a student has attended and completed at least 75% of the course sessions and is unable to complete the requirements due to uncontrollable and unforeseen circumstances.” >> “A grade of “I” may only be issued when a student has attended and completed at least 45% of the course sessions and is unable to complete the requirements due to uncontrollable and unforeseen circumstances.”
  • Pg. 45-48 – Added: “Bachelor’s program objectives+ courses:


CIAT has been awarded top ranking status in’s Best Cybersecurity Program review, highlighted as “Best For Industry Certifications”. Evaluated based on curriculum quality, graduation rate, reputation, and post-graduate employment.


EC Council, the world's largest cybersecurity technical certification organization, awarded CIAT the Circle of Excellence Award two years in a row for our Certified Ethical Hacker certification training courses and career-ready curriculum.


We believe you deserve an education worthy of your service. CIAT welcomes military veterans, active duty service members, and spouses using the Post 9/11 GI Bill®, Veteran Readiness & Employment (VR&E), Active Duty Tuition Assistance, and MyCAA.


We have high standards and we believe you should too. CIAT has proudly earned accreditation from the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency.


CIAT has been awarded top ranking status in’s Best Cybersecurity Program review, highlighted as “Best For Industry Certifications”. Evaluated based on curriculum quality, graduation rate, reputation, and post-graduate employment.


EC Council, the world's largest cybersecurity technical certification organization, awarded CIAT the Circle of Excellence Award two years in a row for our Certified Ethical Hacker certification training courses and career-ready curriculum.


We believe you deserve an education worthy of your service. CIAT welcomes military veterans, active duty service members, and spouses using the Post 9/11 GI Bill®, Veteran Readiness & Employment (VR&E), Active Duty Tuition Assistance, and MyCAA.


We have high standards and we believe you should too. CIAT has proudly earned accreditation from the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency.


Enrollment Deadline: February 28th!

Questions about whether this program is right for you? We’ll help match you with the best program to meet your career goals.

Talk to an Advisor

Request an appointment with one of our IT expert Admissions Advisors for personalized guidance on building your education plan. You’ll be able to book an appointment instantly for a time that fits your schedule. 

Next Enrollment Deadline is February 28th, 2022!

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