ASD150 – Operating System Concepts

Associate of Applied Science in Software Development

Course ID


Course Credits


About ASD150 – Operating System Concepts

This course provides a thorough guided exploration of both the theoretical and practical ideas involved in the production of modern operating systems. Operating system concepts like computer system organization and architecture, system calls, process management, threads, scheduling, file systems, system I/O, and distributed systems will be presented. Upon completion of the course students will be in a position to understand how the programs they write influence and likewise are influenced by the entirety of a modern computer system.

Topics Covered In Course

ASD150 Topics

  • OS Fundamentals and CPU.
  • File System. OS Installation and Configuration. I/O
  • Storage Devices. Virtualization and Cloud. Network Connectivity
  • Shared resource. Management and Maintenance


Students must have experience using a keyboard and mouse in a GUI-based OS such as Microsoft Windows or Linux, and understand how to download and install programs found on the Internet.

Meet The Faculty

Our expert, certified faculty members come with years of industry experience and are passionate about helping students build and advance their tech careers.

Talk to an Advisor

Request an appointment with one of our IT expert Admissions Advisors for personalized guidance on building your education plan. You’ll be able to book an appointment instantly for a time that fits your schedule. 

Next Enrollment Deadline is February 28th, 2022!

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