ENG101 – English Composition

General Education

Course ID


Course Credits


About ENG101 – English Composition

Provides guided practice in the conventions of academic writing, critical thinking, and informational literacy. Develops essential writing skills, including organizing, developing, and supporting ideas. Writing-centered practice includes prewriting, blogging, collaborative writing, peer review, sentence and paragraph construction, and the research writing process.

Topics Covered In Course

ENG101 Topics

  • Planning Research and Evaluating Sources
  • Analyze how rhetorical structures are used in writing; explore rhetorical appeals
  • Drafting the research project and integrating sources seamlessly
  • Drafting essays with documented research, and writing about fiction
  • Editing and revision, and identifying and correcting logical fallacies•


Meet The Faculty

Our expert, certified faculty members come with years of industry experience and are passionate about helping students build and advance their tech careers.

Talk to an Advisor

Request an appointment with one of our IT expert Admissions Advisors for personalized guidance on building your education plan. You’ll be able to book an appointment instantly for a time that fits your schedule. 

Next Enrollment Deadline is February 28th, 2022!

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