PPD300 – Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

General Education

Course ID


Course Credits


About PPD300 – Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Provides guided practice in the conventions of reasoning, critical thinking, and interpersonal communication. Develops essential skills in understanding of the conceptual framework for arguments and gains awareness of how perspectives are used with the culture, values, and value systems in argumentation. Uses the nature and types of evidence in the processes of collaboration and review used in communication. Expands upon the skills of ethics and responsibility in communication.

Topics Covered In Course

PPD300 Topics

  • Argument to develop critical thought using co-orientational model with culture and values
  • How claims and propositions are developed, understood, and criticized. Understanding evidence quality
  • Different approaches for reasoning; understanding and evaluating the quality of reasoning; the unique questions for each type of proposition and the proof
  • Method of refutation; disproving assumptions
  • Persuasion and rhetorical situation where arguers and recipients share an environment; the narrative paradigm and persuasive strategies for advocates and recipients to interact effectively; responsibility and what is a good argument


There are no prerequisites to take this critical thinking and problem-solving course.

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Our expert, certified faculty members come with years of industry experience and are passionate about helping students build and advance their tech careers.

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Next Enrollment Deadline is February 28th, 2022!

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