PPD305 – Career and Technology

General Education

Course ID


Course Credits


About PPD305 – Career and Technology

Provides guided practice in use of technology to develop a social presence, how to gain interviews, and how to establish resumes online. Provides information to acquire current skills in resume and cover letter writing. Develops knowledge of language that demonstrates self-awareness for interview and resume. Strengthens awareness of current job market and organizations hiring for Information Technology. Register for CIS230B Installation and Configuration of Linux.

Topics Covered In Course

PPD305 Topics

  • Social profile using technology and research into job vacancies
  • Job search, workplace language for resumes/self-descriptions; computer searches
  • Resume formats; research organizations/jobs
  • Creative resumes; overcoming roadblocks; match resume to job; Google for resumes
  • Resume checklist; interview Tips


Meet The Faculty

Our expert, certified faculty members come with years of industry experience and are passionate about helping students build and advance their tech careers.

Talk to an Advisor

Request an appointment with one of our IT expert Admissions Advisors for personalized guidance on building your education plan. You’ll be able to book an appointment instantly for a time that fits your schedule. 

Next Enrollment Deadline is February 28th, 2022!

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