The CIAT Advantage

There’s been a lot of talk recently about for-profit colleges and universities (FPCUs), and we thought we would chime in with our own perspective. Read on to discover some of the surprising pros of attending CIAT – or, as we like to call it, the CIAT Advantage.

CIAT is adept at tailoring courses to meet job market demands.
Our focus is on ensuring employability for all of our students, so we place special emphasis on creating programs that target the skills, certifications, and hands-on experience that employers are looking for. In the world of tech, this means offering 13 industry certifications and 2 degrees, all of which get you ready for a job in the government or private industry sector. 
“For-profit colleges are more nimble than most traditional colleges, including community colleges, in developing and implementing programs. When those programs respond to workforce needs and result in jobs in high demand fields that pay good salaries, the outcome for students can be excellent.”

CIAT is great at keeping an eye on what jobs will be trending in the future.
We need to know what employment opportunities our students will have when they complete their time here, and we are able to continuously evolve to give them the best shot at success.
“For-profit colleges have always kept tabs on the jobs of tomorrow. Expect this trend to continue. For-profits will expand into booming fields and eliminate fields the student-consumer no longer finds attractive. Traditional institutions will continue to adapt much more slowly…”

CIAT must ensure that students are prepared and able to obtain a job in their field.
Federal funding works a little differently for schools like CIAT. We are actually required to prepare our students for “gainful employment in a recognized occupation” to be eligible to receive federal aid. 
“Under federal law, all programs offered by for-profits — like nondegree certificate programs at other institutions — must prepare students for “gainful employment in a recognized occupation” to remain eligible for federal aid.”
This leads to another advantage…

We’re able and motivated to develop relationships with employers and ensure that students can achieve their career goals.
In the free market, we succeed or fail along with our students. When our school helps students learn, earn degrees and certifications, and obtain employment, we become a more marketable institution. 
“FPCUs are better able, and more willing, to build partnerships with employers. They build rapport with businesses and organizations not only because of the brouhaha surrounding gainful employment but also because, ultimately, if their product — education for a career — is not successful, the customer will not buy it. The result is that these sorts of relationships enable FPCU students to land internships and positions and get a leg up in a difficult economic environment.”


CIAT is committed to tracking student satisfaction – and taking action to improve it.
We do student satisfaction surveys at the end of each term, and we have an anonymous online student suggestion box. We’ve already implemented some changes as a result, like getting different chairs for our students who need more back support.
“Traditional not-for-profit institutions do student-satisfaction surveys, but there’s a very strong commitment among for-profits to survey their students regularly. There’s a clear understanding among for-profits that they need to be especially responsive, because of the turnover potential in their student population. They really are committed to gathering that data for planning purposes.”

We help non-traditional students achieve education and employment.
“Non-traditional” includes those students who are minorities, from low income families, working full time, or in the military. CIAT is a school option that is available for students who want to get started right away, and build skills that they can turn into a career – in less time than it would take them at another school.
“For-profit schools enable low-income and racial minority students, including many who are non-traditional, to gain practical, skills-based training that better equips them for the marketplace relative to many traditional academic paths.”
CIAT is an exceptionally good option for military and veteran students.
We have to meet strict requirements to be approved to offer VA Educational Benefits, so we work hard to provide a first-class education for every student. We offer flexible schedules, online courses, and a dedicated VA Benefits Advisor on site to help with paperwork and course planning. In general, colleges like CIAT are the top option for students using their military education benefits. 
“For-profit colleges receive the largest share of military educational benefit programs. In recent years, 37 percent of post-9/11 GI Bill benefits and 50 percent of Department of Defense Tuition Assistance benefits flowed to for-profit colleges. And eight of the top 10 recipients of Department of Veterans Affairs post-9/11 GI Bill funds went to for-profit education companies.”

At CIAT you can earn your degree in half the time.
We’re proud to offer education “without the fluff”. This means our classes are tightly focused on your program and skill sets, without extraneous electives. Students at other schools can take about four years to earn their degrees – our students do it in two. So, you spend less time in school, and get into the workforce faster. Plus, our students only need funding for two years of education. This means fewer loans, more benefits left available, and a quicker path to repayment.
“One of their biggest selling points, for-profit colleges sell the idea of getting a degree in less time than a four-year university. They can do this because their students don’t have to complete as many elective classes. As many of them are online, a student can also handle multiple classes without leaving home.”

We’re growing fast!
CIAT is expanding to a second campus in fall of 2017! We have the flexibility and capital to expand, offer exactly what students are seeking, and customize our programs so they’re tailored to our students’ interests and needs.
“For-profits make up the fastest-growing segment of higher education, accounting for 20 percent of the two-year associate’s degrees granted in the United States, up from 8 percent two decades ago. Their share of bachelor’s degrees has risen to 7 percent, from virtually nothing.
Featured Image Photo Credit: Pexels

Talk to an Advisor

Request an appointment with one of our IT expert Admissions Advisors for personalized guidance on building your education plan. You’ll be able to book an appointment instantly for a time that fits your schedule. 

Next Enrollment Deadline is February 28th, 2022!

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